What's it all about?

Okay, so have you ever been SO pissed off, you're just annoyed?
Well that's what this blog's about... not "The Situation" from Jersey Shore!
Here to blog about my life annoyances and philosophies, me, Elle.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Life's a bitch!

Sometimes I just can't believe my bad luck!
Sure I never get chosen for stuff I want. If I really want to get picked to be picked to be in a group, in which the school can only put 27 people, they'll flip right past my name. NEVER have I bin picked to do something I really wanted to do.
Or what's worse, when I've got a test and I write down what I need to know, seconds before the test and I know everything, then I get in the test and write down something wrong. It's so annoying!
(As you might have guessed, that happened to me just a few days before, in a music test, we had to color a diagram and I did it just before the test and had it right, then in the test I did it wrong! So annoying!)
So my conclusion is: life's a bitch; shit happens!
Even though I hate it, I won't be able to turn back time and change it, I just gotta' hope that it's not as bad as I think it'll be.
I hope the future has something good in store for me. So please God or Fortuna or whoever's up there, please lead me to a great life!
Okay, I feel much better after that!
Apropos: Going to London and New York City soon!
You know what that means.... AUDITIONS!
Hopefully I land one!
Wish me luck!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Just blogging...

Okay, hi people!
I will be blogging about 2 things today, and one of them is stereotypes.
So, there's this girl I'm acquainted with, with whom I don't really have a problem (although she is bossy at times), though I wouldn't describe us as best friends either; she's just a good example for this topic. We'll call her... Angelica!
Okay, so Angelica is just like all the other girls, she paints her nails the same color as the popular crowd, she wears all the "in" clothes, she has the iPhone, etc...
Now the reason she's my example and not one of the thousand other girls like that I know, is because she isn't herself. She's fake.
I know quite a few girls, who're like that, but act themselves anyway. These are the people Angelica (and all others) models herself after. So like the... "prototypes".
Like just a few days ago, Sarah (one of the "prototypes") got herself some new nail polish, two days after that Angelica got the same one. Also, Angelica would never disagree with someone like Sarah, even if she'd hate Grey's Anatomy and Sarah'd loved it, she'd "love" it too.
Now, as said before I have nothing against Angelica, but in this generation, when every second song is about "being yourself" and you hear people like Angelica humming them down the road, you'd think they'd listen to the lyrics!
None of this is a problem for me, 'cause I'm proud of who I am and let it shine! And I would say that I'm pretty popular, so being yourself really gets you places.
And I hope, that Angelica has a great future, in which she won't have to pretend to be someone else, I really do!
But for now, I think I'll just move on to my second topic: Zurich.
Zurich is a clean, but cold place, which my mom refers to as living inside a "giant bankers intestinal fart". Because it's a "place of greedy, mean people, who are all 100% convinced that they are the most important people on the planet".
I however disagree with this, as I've said before, people are the same everywhere, but I do laugh at my mother's pessimistic comments. If she really hated Zurich, we'd have moved a looong time ago.
But honestly, it's not that bad here, it's actually quite beautiful. The reason I want to get outta' here is because I don't see a future for myself in Zurich. To get an acting job, I'd have to be in London, New York or LA, (not necessarily, but mainly those 3 places).
So hopefully the future has something bright in stow for me,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I can't feel a thing...

Okay, so today I noticed that, the less you sleep, the less you feel.
I have to wake up at 6:00 a.m every morning, get on the bus at 7:00 and drive to school where class starts at 7:45. Do to my insomnia, I can't fall asleep until who knows when and waking up is one of my most annoying tasks of the day.
I remember back in 7th grade, when each time a test came up, I almost died of anxiety, now I can hardly feel a thing, because of lack of sleep. This can be a good thing in some cases, since I no longer die over tests and calm down easier, allowing me to see the reality of the situation. But that's still no excuse.
First you're all grouchy, but once you get used to it, you just don't feel. There are rare days when you actually have enough energy to jump around, but mostly it's just forced.
And thanks to my sister telling my mom that coffee makes you shorter and her believing it, I'm not allowed to drink any. :(
Too annoying!
Another thing I'm annoyed with is Mensa-food (cafeteria food). Like today it looked really good in the showcase (yes, there's a showcase for food in our school) so I bought some. I only wanted a little, but the cafeteria woman piled mountains of food into my take-away box! Then she proceeded to charge the sh*t out of me and left me to enjoy my food, which also tasted like sh*t.
It was cold and stale and gross and looked really unhealthy. And it kills me to say this, but after a few bites, I threw it away...
I think I'll end this post on a positive note though...
Cookies! There, now I think everyone's  happy!
Or cookie massacre, like in this video:

Have a nice day,

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hello, again...

Hey guys, who may or may not be reading this blog...
I just wanted to say sorry for my earlier post and that I'm turning this blog around! (Yay!)
Let's start with some positive energy!
In Buddhism, people believe that positive energy starts with breathing... among other things...
Anyway, let's take 3 big big breaths... and read on.
What makes me happy? Let me think... Nothing comes to mind in the moment...
But I was browsing through YouTube when I found this... interesting video...
Take a look:

Weird, right? But somehow deep... or someone was tripping when they made it...
What do you guys think?
Leave a comment or something, below...

And since I'm in a pensive mood today, here's a quote by Mahatma Ghandi:
"Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow."

Blame the last post on sleep deprivation, waking up at 6:00 am, for school isn't healthy...
But you gotta' admit "Annoyed with the Situation" is an awesome blog name!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Welcome, to this "awesome" blog...

Okay, so have you ever been SO pissed off, you just get annoyed? Well, that happens to me almost every day...
So instead of letting my passive aggressivity out on my family, I'll just let it out on this blog, and all people reading it: 0...
So, yesterday I was on my way to Arts & Crafts, when two of my classmates, walking with me, got into a conversation about finding socks. When they had finally finished I heard another one of my classmates behind me exclaim: "And it wasn't even glue, it was Cementit!"
And then it dawned on me: I am surrounded by losers.
Of course I'd never say it to their face or behind their backs, 'cause whom else would I tell? They're all the same! I know; I am a huge asshole.
I live in Switzerland, and I'm counting the days 'till I get out, you see I don't like Switzerland for 3 reasons:
1. It's cold - ALL THE TIME!!! 
    In Spring it's cold, in Autumn it's cold, in Winter it's FREEZING, and in Summer it's warmer...
My parents spoiled me with the warm weather of foreign places, so I now really hate the weather.
2. The people
     Now, this doesn't really have anything to do with Switzerland, I've noticed that people are assholes everywhere, the only difference is here I actually have to know them.
3. The movies
    Movies come out in Switzerland months after they do in the U.S.A! Also all swiss made movies are really messed up...
As a movie fanatic and aspiring actress (hey, an asshole's gotta have a dream too), this really annoys me! 
4. The language(s)

 German, French and Italian.
I live in the german-speaking part... great. German is a hard, bitch-language. It is not only hard and bitchy, but also really difficult. From all the languages I speak (English, German, French) German is the hardest. Since I go to school in german it's really annoying, especially when writing essays.  Also we have to learn French and that too is annoying. 

Hopefully this got some people interested; even an asshole like me'd like to have some attention...
Get me out of here!!!